Abstract to Paper to Publication/Presentation

Author's Handbook: Please review and keep this valuable guide handy as you move through the Abstract/Paper/Presentation process 

Stage One: The Abstract for the Paper

As a prospective author, your chances of having an abstract accepted are significantly greater if you send your abstract to the appropriate subcommittee, so please read the descriptions carefully and use the flowchart provided on the submission website to aid in making your selection. It is also vital that you submit your abstract on time. 

Information you will provide includes:

  • Abstract Text (300 word limit)
  • Up to five Key Words
  • Abstract Title (10 words or fewer)
  • Biography for Primary (and Secondary) Authors (200 word limit)
  • Contact information for Primary (and Secondary) Authors

Stage Two: The Paper

If your abstract was approved, review or download the following files to help with your Paper Submission. Your Paper will be submitted via the same portal as your Abstract, using the same login and password. The Clearance Release Form will be submitted with your paper through the online portal, start early!

Individual Files

Why start so early on the Clearance Form? Here's a message from one submitter: ".... we are not permitted to submit the paper without public release being completed. They claim (and I see their perspective) that it is available to 150 people once submitted and that collection is still “public”. We started four weeks prior to the original submission date to get corporate and government customer approvals and those are just starting to trickle in."

Stage Three: Paper Presentation Upload


If your Paper was approved, review or download the following files to help with your Presentation. Your Presentation will be submitted via the same portal as your Abstract/Paper, using the same login and password.

Individual Files

  • Paper Presentation Template
  • Special Considerations/AV Support Form – link coming soon
  • Practice Room Sign-up (open thru 24 November*) – link coming soon
*After 24 November, reserve available space onsite in rooms.
Your Presentation must be uploaded to the I/ITSEC website by close of business on 6 October to allow time for reviewing and editing. I/ITSEC is an unclassified event and if accepted, Government submissions should be released as DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release, distribution unlimited. Industry submissions should review their organizations release/security protocols and must submit presentations as releasable to public.

Stage Four: Promote Your Session at I/ITSEC

You are putting in a lot of hard work to prepare for your session, and we encourage you to help spread the word about your session and the great work you are doing. Social media is a helpful tool for promoting your presentation. Learn how to do so — simply — before, during, and after I/ITSEC.

How to Promote Your Session

Additional Concerns

For any concerns, please contact your bird-dog (assigned if your submission was approved). If you are unable to locate your bird-dog or have questions about your Paper, contact Fred Fleury, Program Chair, at fred.fleury@4simvision.com.

If you are unable to reach anyone listed above, please contact Debbie Langelier, Sr. VP, NTSA, at dlangelier@NTSA.org.