
I/ITSEC 2025 will be held in the SOUTH Concourse of the Orange County Convention Center, located at 9899 International Blvd, Orlando, FL. The South Concourse is the event building between the Hyatt and Hilton hotels, and across the street from the Rosen Centre Hotel.

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I/ITSEC 2024 Program  |  Program Briefs: PM TRASYS, AFLCMC

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2024 Conference Statistics**

Approximately 18,500 total registrants. Included in that total are:

  • Exhibit Visitors: 9,886*
  • Conference Attendees: 5,889*
  • Exhibit Personnel:7,984
  • International Visitors: 2,264 attendees from 55 Countries
  • Press Outlets: 43
  • Exhibiting Companies: 544 companies occupying 473 exhibit spaces in 219,400 net square feet

*All registration categories include access to the exhibit hall, with the number of combined visitors and the 7,984 exhibit personnel already present on the floor, over 18,500 visitors walked the I/ITSEC exhibit halls. **Registration numbers are early estimates, NTSA will audit and if required, will update registration information no later than January 2025. I/ITSEC attendance and participation is open to FVEY, countries who profess neutrality, and NATO Member Countries.

Serious Games Competition

Face complex challenges and command cities and armies at the Serious Games Competition. "Serious Games" is attracting competitors from individual gamers, academia, industry, and government. Don't be left out – visit the Serious Games page for information and then come to I/ITSEC and experience the latest in serious games.

Emerging Medical Simulations

See remote medical procedures taking place in a virtual world as avatars recover from physical and mental trauma. More humans will live because of this technology. See the next thing in medical training.

Next Big Thing

I/ITSEC, in coordination with NTSA, created the Next Big Thing forum to help organizations (Government, Industry, and Academia) position to realize high value from rapidly evolving technology. The Next Big Thing explores both a near term and a long term (3 – 5 year) horizon. 

Cyber Pavilion

As the capabilities in these different fields continues to grow in each service, this pavilion will be a platform to help communicate and cooperate on finding solutions to this every changing environment for the not only the U.S. Government and Department of Defense, but other countries and commercial organizations.

Visit & Interact with Other Cultures

Can you convince the village elder to release his hostages or turn against the bad guys? Participate in cultural interactions using avatars and simultaneous linguistic and body language inputs. Learn what motivates people of other backgrounds.