Submission Information
Paper Presenters
As a Paper presenter, your presentation will be grouped with other papers on a similar topic. Each paper will be allowed a 30 minute period, with 20 minutes for the presentation and 10 for Q&A and transition to the next presenter.
Tutorial Presenters
As a Tutorial presenter, you will have a 90 minute block of time for your presentation. Occasionally, a Tutorial is given a double block.
Professional Development Workshop Presenters
As a Workshop presenter, your presentation will be a ½ day event held on the final day of I/ITSEC.
Additional links containing valuable information for authors/presenters:
- 2024 Call for Presentations
- Promote Your Session at I/ITSEC
- Important Author Dates
- Best Papers & Tutorials Archive
- I/ITSEC Knowledge Repository Archive (Past Papers through 2018)
- I/ITSEC Knowledge Repository (2019 – Future)
- Authors Handbook
- Program Committee
- Dress Code available here
I/ITSEC attendance and participation is open to FVEY and NATO Member Countries.