Policy, Standards, Management and
Acquisition Subcommittee

Chair: Robert Epstein, Leidos
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Deputy Chair: LT Nick Armendariz, U.S. Naval School of Aviation Safety
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This subcommittee is seeking papers related to policy and standards issues and solutions associated with the acquisition and implementation of education, training, courseware, and simulations; and the maintenance of these capabilities. Papers are sought that provide insight into innovative approaches to managing requirements for acquiring, implementing, and sustaining these capabilities. Where possible, papers should characterize innovative processes or techniques to improve return on investment and may also provide qualitative and quantitative data or metrics to help substantiate outcomes discussed within the paper. Papers may address emerging policy, standards or the need for policy, standards or management with respect to education, training, simulations, big data, data analysis, and cybersecurity. The PSMA subcommittee is also interested in papers that address innovative strategies for leveraging intellectual property that supports maintenance or competition for training and simulation capabilities.