Important Author Dates

Authors HandbookPlease review and keep this valuable guide handy as you move through the Abstract/Paper/Presentation process.
2024 Call for Presentations: Click this link to download the 2024 Call for Presentations.
2024 Theme Video: Watch the I/ITSEC 2024 theme video here.

These are the dates for the primary actions. Authors will be informed of other target dates throughout the year.


Important Author Dates

     Paper Abstract, Tutorial & Workshop Proposal Submittal Open
 19 January – 8 March
     Authors Notified of Abstract & Proposal Review Results 8 April
     Paper Submittal, Tutorial & Workshop Presentation Submittal
15 April – 11 July
     Clearance Forms Due 17 July
     Authors Notified of Paper, Tutorial & Workshop Review Results NLT 9 August
     Final Edits to Author Names/Bios 16 August
     Approved Edits to Abstracts/Titles (Only Approved Papers may edit)
25 August
     Final Paper Due
25 August
     Paper, Tutorial & Workshop Presentation Submissions
12 August – 6 October
     Presenters' AV Forms Due
 27 September
     Promote Your Session at I/ITSEC
1 October – 1 December
     Practice Room Sign-up
4 October – 24 November
     Final Edits to Presentations
18 October – 13 November
     Tutorials Speaker Meeting: 1600, Room TBD
1 December
     Tutorials Presented
2 December

     Papers & Other Speakers Meeting: 1800, Room TBD
     All Speakers 
Reception: 1830, Room TBD
     Best Paper/Tutorial Award Presentation: 1915, Room TBD

2 December

     I/ITSEC 2024
2 – 6 December