
NTSA logo stacked 2017The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) promotes cooperation among the Armed Services, Industry, Academia, and various Government agencies in pursuit of improved training and education programs, identification of common training issues, and development of multi-service programs.

Initiated in 1966 as the Naval Training Device Center/Industry Conference, the conference has evolved and expanded through increased participation by other entities. The Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Industry, and Academia have joined with the Navy in sharing leadership of the conference and in 1979 the title of the conference was changed to the Interservice/Industry Training Equipment Conference. The Services have steadily evolved toward a total systems philosophy in the acquisition of training equipment and training delivery systems.

In 1986 the Conference name was further refined to the Interservice/Industry Training Systems Conference (I/ITSC) to recognize the increased importance of Manpower, Personnel, and Training aspects in the systems acquisition process.

In 1992 the name was further changed to the Interservice/Industry Training Systems and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) to reflect the consolidation of the Manpower and Training Committee (MTC) and the Technology and Innovations in Training and Education (TITE) Conference with I/ITSEC. This change emphasizes the importance of education and the man-machine interface in meeting force-training requirements through simulation training.

In 1997, to reflect continued growth and changes in the industry, the conference name was refined to the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC).